Politics is not a game, but sometimes it sure feels like one.

In Ms. Hammond's fourth grade class, where learning is doing, shy Felix learns about the three branches of government in a class re-enactment, where he is named the Speaker of the House. The lesson continues on the playground at recess, Graham, the now appointed president, bullies students for their lunches and takes over every playground game. With Graham backed up by his cabinet members, the kids are scared to take a stand, until Vice President Sarah reminds Felix that Congress has the power to impeach the president. Felix rallies the other students to impeach Graham, and to prove he can stand up to bullies, all the while learning about the U.S. Government's system of checks and balances.

Bringing Entertainment and Education to the Classroom
Playground Politics is available for streaming via digital download, along with the companion lesson plans for teachers. Download comes with two complete lesson plans: BULLYING: The Dangers and Repercussions, and How to Handle It, and HOW GOVERNMENT WORKS: The Three Branches of the United States Government. Each lesson plan includes a PowerPoint slide presentation to guide your in class lecture, vocabulary and spelling words, class activities, worksheets, and quizzes. This film was made by students, for students.